America’s Very First “True” College and Still One of the Best!
The original motivating force behind UPenn was Benjamin Franklin, perhaps America’s only true “renaissance” man. I think if Ben took a stroll around the UPenn campus today, he’d be very proud of what the university has become. During the past few decades UPenn has consistently improved itself even among the exclusive club of America’s great universities.
Many argue that UPenn is actually America’s oldest college. Technically three other schools, William & Mary, Harvard and Yale were founded a few years earlier. But . . . those schools were originally intended to educate students interested in becoming clergymen, what we would call a “divinity school” today. UPenn on the other hand, was founded to provide a liberal arts education to its students from day one! And that’s not the only “first” that UPenn is proud to claim. UPenn also boasts America’s first medical school and first business school.
As an urban campus, UPenn was faced with serious quality of life issues during the decline of cities in the northeast during the 1960’s and 1970’s. However UPenn rose to the challenge and as Philadelphia re-emerged as a great city during the 1980’s and 1990’s, the university benefited from the urban revitalization. Today, being in the middle of Philly’s urban hustle and bustle contributes to the excitement of the UPenn experience. Even better, the central campus boasts tall trees and broad lawns . . . a pleasant oasis in the midst of a city!
During the past decade, UPenn has enjoyed a resurgence of popularity among America’s top high school students. Today it is consistently ranked at the very top of America’s many elite universities. Yes, old Ben Franklin would be more than proud of what has become of his educational legacy.